



The Catholic University of Korea


North Korean Defector Scholarships and Mentorship Programs to Financially Aid North Korean Defector Students

  • 작성자 :글로벌성과관리팀
  • 등록일 :2024.03.19
  • 조회수 :268

The Catholic University of Korea(CUK), under 'A University with Respect for Human Dignity' mission, values engagement in our community and society by helping out students in times of personal crisis and hardships. Since 2017, CUK has been practicing our core values not only as a university but also as a church by offering Student Support Programs to North Korean Defector Students.

North Korean defector students often face disruptions in their education due to the process of defection. They may also struggle with economic hardships leading to long-term absences from school, academic underperformance, and difficulties adapting to South Korean life and school culture due to the cultural and perceptual differences between North and South Korea.

CUK provides these students with sustainable educational opportunities through support in education, housing, daily life, and medical care, aiming to help them adapt to society and nurture future talents for the unified Korea. In March 2023, North Korean defector students who got accepted to CUK for the class of 2026 received a laptop to help them achieve academic success.

The program is funded by the Catholic churches and other related organizations.